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New Mobile First and Responsive Design, and Major Ranking Update

29 March 2012

Mojeek, a crawler-based search engine which has been developed in the UK, is pleased to announce its new mobile first and responsive design, as well as a major update to its ranking algorithm.

BRIGHTON, England, March 29, 2012 - Mojeek, a leading UK web search provider, is pleased to announce its new mobile first and responsive design at and, as well as a major update to its ranking algorithm.

Mobile First/Responsive Design

Instead of a separate mobile site Mojeek has opted to implement a mobile first, responsive design. The new implementation is fully featured on all configurations, mobiles are shown the same content and options as on a desktop. If you have any problems with this new design please let us know.

Major Ranking Update

Mojeek has also made a major update to its ranking algorithm, Mojeek continuously rolls out tweaks to improve relevancy on at least a weekly basis but this update was larger and caused a more noticeable improvement to the results all round, we hope you agree. But it doesn't stop there, the next major update is already being worked on, so make sure to check back regularly.

Other News

During this update Mojeek has also implemented a number of other requests and features, including:

  1. The option to set "UK Only" results as the default option, this can now be set on the preferences page.
  2. A method to block referral data being sent to a visiting site is currently being tested, hopefully this will be available in April.
  3. Also in the last month, Mojeek's "News Search" has been extended with the addition of a News Headline page.

About Mojeek

Mojeek Limited is a UK software development company with a vision to build the world's alternative search engine; a search engine that does what's right, that values and respects your privacy whilst providing its own unique and unbiased search results.


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